Who You’ll Be Working With

Running a small business is one of the most challenging and potentially rewarding things we can do. I know how hard you work every day — I’m right there with you — and I want to help you succeed.

glass vase on a table holding tall leafy branches

More About Lara…

photo of Lara Veilleux, owner Small Biz Website Lady

An admirer of the entrepreneurial spirit and enthusiast of small businesses powered by good people.

I love problem-solving, thrive on getting things done, and appreciate the constant learning that inevitably happens when you work with people from different industries.

I like to have fun and truly enjoy my work. A good sense of humor allows us to navigate through life with grace and resilience, reminding us not to take ourselves too seriously.

Design is a passion and can be truly powerful when it’s simple, beautiful, and effective. It has the ability to elevate the experience of everyone involved.

I believe positivity can be infectious and would be honored to help you design and build a functional and beautiful website for your business.

Small businesses with entrepreneurial spirit are the heartbeat of our economy, so keeping it affordable is an important step towards creating a digital home for your business. I strive to do my part by keeping costs competitively affordable without sacrificing on quality.

You will have direct ownership of domain names, web-servicing platforms, email services, scheduling software, any other third-party affiliates, and most importantly — your website.

“What happens AFTER we build my website?”

Every website will eventually require updates. Matter of fact, you should set a reminder to review your website once a month. Knowing this, most clients wonder if it be difficult or challenging to update content such as copy, pricing, contact info, photos, etc.

You have two options:

1 — Hands-On Approach: you make updates on your own (it’s easier than it sounds and Squarespace is built for this!). If the plan is to make minor updates now and then, I suggest you take the I-can-do-this-on-my-own approach, and many clients are surprised to see how easy it is to learn (think: blogging).

2 — Full-Service Option: I handle maintenance when required. Some clients prefer this route because they want their sole attention focused on their business. I promise to respond quickly and charge a minimal, hourly fee.

Either way, my goal is to build you a website for which you and your business can be proud.

If you want to avoid criticism, create less.

If you want to avoid irrelevance, create more.

- James Clear | February 29, 2024 | 3-2-1 Newsletter

Let’s build a website that gets you noticed, separates you from your competitors, and provides your business with the digital home it deserves.

I want to see you and your business succeed!